Sunday Inspiration // Silver Hair

I am so addicted to this hair color. Super fresh, innovative, and truly unique.  Totally alluring.  

Sources: Pinterest // Tumblr

Hi LOVEs! Happy Sunday!

Are you a sucker for colored hair like I am? I am the type of girl who easily tires of the same hair style and color. If you've watched me for a while you probably noticed that I am always reinventing myself by switching colors or living life on the edge with a crazy hairstyle, like when I shaved the side of my head. Sounds crazy, huh? But it's fun and an awesome way to discover a previously hidden you.

Of all the beautiful hair color options out there, I can't help but fall in love with silver/gray hair of late. It's usually a look for gracefully aged people, but what if you can't wait for your hair to naturally grow silver?

I am so stoked to dye my hair this oh-so lovely color next week! Interested in how my hair will turn out? Stay updated on




, or



Hope you enjoy this Sunday inspiration!

Let's be creative ♥


Thank you for reading!!!!


☆ ♥ ☆ ♥ ☆ ♥ ☆ ♥ - STAY FASHiONABLE, STAY UNiQUE - ♥ ☆ ♥ ☆ ♥ ☆ ♥ ☆

The First Step

Original outfit post here

Even if you can't see any progress or you feel stuck in where you are right now , it's very important that you keep moving forward and take one step closer to your achievement. Then each step, even a small one, will surely and eventually bring you to the point you are aiming for...

Happy Sunday LOVEs♥


Thank you for reading!!!!


☆ ♥ ☆ ♥ ☆ ♥ ☆ ♥ - STAY FASHIONABLE, STAY UNIQUE - ♥ ☆ ♥ ☆ ♥ ☆ ♥ ☆

Fashion Week Is Around The Corner, What Will You Wear?

Tons of fashion lovers have been more than excited for what's gonna happen in the next few weeks!

That's right!!!! Fashion week will soon begin!!!

Just as some background, September is the month when many cities feature a fashion week to introduce the next seasons' clothing lines. You can find out when fashion week is held at the most famous locations



 NYFW is one of the most famous fashion events, not to mention FW in Miran and Paris. Everyone is just dying to attend, including me!! Unfortunately I can't go to NYFW this year.. It's a bummer for sure, but I will be definitely going in the next few years! Although I am not able to attend NYFW, I was privately invited to the

Nolcha Fashion Week

happening in Seattle, and I will be there for sure! They will be showcasing the best in global independent fashion design, featuring over 30 designers including: womenswear, menswear, eco, swimwear and accessories! Also, there will be a media brunch the next day! It's a great opportunity for me to connect with new peers and colleagues!

 The last time I went to a fashion show was some time ago, and it was not the best experience. Therefore, I am extremely thrilled about going to this one! Plus, this will be pretty exclusive and legit, as they only accommodate only press, media, bloggers, retailers, buyers and stylists for their shows. I just know that this show will give me some pleasant experience, and I am really looking forward to meeting a ton of new people at the media brunch!!!!! 

Now I have to decide what I should wear for the shows and at brunch...  I've been researching for the trends and hot pieces, yet I am having so much trouble deciding what to wear. Have you ever been in a similar situation?

 So I thought that I could gather some inspiration from the fashionsitas of the world. Looking at their fashion/style can help me put together some stylish options of my own, and I found a lot of great, unique, stylish, refined, and fashion-forward outfit inspirations from everywhere. I pinned them on

my pinterest


So here are 20 inspiring photos that I really adored and I wanted to share with you guys! 

Hopefully you'll get some inspiration from them because I sure did! There are


on my pinterest

so please check it out!

Oh, I'd like to know what you are going to wear during your fashion week, so please share it with me by leaving me a comment below!

I hope you'll have a lot of fun at whichever fashion show you are going to! 


♥ ☆ ♥ ☆ ♥ ☆ ♥ ☆ ♥ STAY FASHIONABLE, STAY UNIQUE ♥ ☆ ♥ ☆ ♥ ☆ ♥ ☆ ♥

Thank you for reading!!!!



Hey my LOVEly readers! How is your day?

Here in my city, Seattle, we have the FIRST snow a few days ago!!!!!! YAY? NAY?

Typically, when winter comes, I always hope to see the snow. When it snows, I always get so excited!

Snow makes me feel that it's winter, snow gives me fresh mind, snow creates romantic atmosphere, moment and even fun time!!!

However this time I wasn't excited as much as I usually be . (sorry for the sad tone...) Why? I have one fairly enough reason for that.

IT KILLED ME SO BAD regarding getting to my work....

Since I don't have a car, I had to take buses( yes! THREE buses!!) and it drove me so crazy that it took me 4 hours to go to my workplace... yea I still can't believe that.... but I couldn't be happier when I glimpsed my place!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Regardless, the most happiest things on that day was I had a pretty good time at work  because lots of my friends came into the restaurant, and after that I could see my bf :)

As I already mentioned you about posting my new hauls for the next blog which is this, I was so planning to do so, yet I've changed my mind to share something with you.

Ever since I became an


, I've seen tons of pictures that have inspired me very much. So here are some of the photos I wanna share, and hope you guys like/love or even get inspired by them as much as I DO !!!! ENJOY <3

How did you like them?

....The last one is actually me :p hehe

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  Thank you so much for reading! 

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Hope you all have a sweet and lovely one!! 
